The finish line is within sight!

After nine years of planning, fund raising, strategizing, building, and operating our dream of a vibrant, vital Civic Park in the heart of Eugene has almost been realized.

Since our soft opening in 2020, the Eugene Civic Alliance and our generous supporters have continued to work hard, smart, and together to secure broad-based public and private sector funding to complete the build-out of Civic Park. So far, we have raised more than $43 million to turn the abandoned site into a thriving space where people of all ages can recreate, exercise, and compete.

Our capital campaign was launched in 2015 and was divided into two phases totaling $48 million:

  • Phase I, $30 million, for the Kidsports Fieldhouse, Market of Choice Turf Field, facility parking, and beautiful landscaping. This was the heavy lift of the campaign, and we were ecstatic when this phase was completed in August 2022.
  • Phase II, $18 million, for a 2,500-seat stadium. The stadium is an essential component of Civic Park because with it we can host large-scale events that will generate the revenue needed to power ongoing park operations.

With Phase I fully funded and debt free, ECA has begun the second and final phase of Civic Park: the 2,500-seat stadium. The stadium will house team locker rooms, a small press box, a concourse for food truck concessions, and ADA-compliant restroom amenities.

Here’s the good news: ECA has already raised $13 million toward the $18 million Phase II goal. This has allowed us to begin construction of the stadium, confident that our generous supporters will step up to help us raise the final $5 million to complete this ambitious, historic and lifechanging legacy project.

I want to help

Let us tell you why the stadium is so important to Civic Park and the greater community. The park will serve not only as a beacon for community gathering but, as importantly, allows us to host events such as:

  • OSAA high school single A/AA soccer and football championships – for the first time ever!
  • 2024 Lane United Football Club USL1 professional men’s and women’s soccer games
  • Bushnell University men’s and women’s soccer games
  • Northwest College of Champions Soccer Tournament
  • regional fall/spring 30-team Ultimate flying disc (frisbee) tournaments
  • 3-on-3 regional soccer tournaments
  • The fast-growing sport of 7 v 7 Flag Football showcases & tournaments
  • Adult recreational leagues

These events will bring significant economic benefits to local hotels, restaurants, retailers, and other businesses. Event revenue will also allow the facility to be financially self-sustaining. Put simply, the revenue stream from these events offers Civic Park a viable business plan for operations and long-term financial stability, however, without the stadium, these events cannot happen.

A completed Civic Park will put Eugene on the map for local and regional sporting events and help solidify our reputation as an innovative sports and recreation leader. But most of all, it will continue to be a place where children and adults can play.

Since it opened (during Covid!), Civic Park has welcomed more than 300,000 visitors to the Kidsports Fieldhouse and the Market of Choice Turf Field. Every year it provides 30,000 kids with a place to play, develop, and have fun. The park delivers a myriad of incalculable health and social benefits that are critical to the well-being of our community and our most important asset: our children.

Won’t you help us reach our goal of raising the final $5 million we need to build the stadium grandstand and realize the dream and the vision of Civic Park?

Gifts can be made on the donate page or sent to the Eugene Civic Alliance, 2077 Willamette Street, Eugene, OR 97405, or call 541 913 3651 if you would like further information on the campaign.

Generations to come will benefit from your gift. Together we can create a legacy that will make a lasting difference.

Donate Now!

Phase 1 is complete!

Thank You, Eugene Civic Alliance Donors!

In August 2022, Eugene Civic Alliance finished the $30 million Phase I capital campaign for Civic Park, the Kidsports Fieldhouse and Market of Choice Field. Take a moment and let that sentence sink in. Wow.

With the incredibly generous support from all of you, the Phase I capital campaign for Civic Park has been completed and is now fully funded and debt free. ECA can’t thank you enough for helping us to get to this historic finish line.

Highlights of the race to the finish line for completion of Phase I saw final contributions to the $30M capital campaign delivered this past July, which gave ECA the ability in August to pay off a construction loan needed to get the facility built during the chaotic and challenging times of the pandemic.

The achievement of realizing a fully funded Phase I sets and secures the legacy of Civic Park to deliver high quality programs and host community events for years to come. This accomplishment is a tribute to all of you who gave in so many wonderful ways to transform a vision into a reality. Civic Park now has a new story to tell the world and you have helped us to write it. Here are some of the first exciting chapters:

  • Since opening Civic Park in June 2020, 115,000+ visitors have visited Civic Park, the Kidsports Fieldhouse and Market of Choice Field.
  • Kidsports, despite the pandemic, was able to serve 25,000 children and families through the fall, winter, spring, and summer by delivering healthy, active programs in a secure and safe Kidsports Fieldhouse and Market of Choice Field.
  • Civic Park hosted community fundraising dinners and events, celebration of life services, Lane United Soccer League Games, Bushnell University soccer games, high school soccer and ultimate Frisbee teams, as well as adult basketball, kickball, pickleball, and volleyball. People, big and small, played and had fun!

Your contributions – from all 600 of you – have directly helped to change and shape thousands of lives here at Civic Park through the pursuit of healthy, active games, programming, and events that serve to enhance our community’s physical, social, emotional, and collective wellbeing.


Aerial view of the site, looking southwest

Sidewalk-level view of the Fieldhouse from Amazon

Courts inside the Fieldhouse

It’s our time to step up

In 1938, Eugeneans came together to chip in and build the original Civic Stadium. For decades, it was a gem in the heart of the city. Now, it’s our time to step forward and finish building the new Civic. Together, we are building a healthier community for people of all ages.

“For the first time in our history, this generation may die five years younger than their parents.”

– from DESIGNED TO MOVE, a 2012 report into the consequences of inactivity,
initiated by Nike and produced by a consortium of more than 70 organizations.

Why We Need Civic Park

This is a wake-up call

One Saturday in March 2015, KIDSPORTS Director Bev Smith walked into the Lane Events Center gym and looked up. Rain was leaking through the roof onto the old wooden courts purchased years ago by the county from colleges around the country. Knowing she was about to disappoint hundreds of kids, she nonetheless had to cancel a series of basketball games.

In a city with collegiate sports facilities that are a point of community pride, indoor youth basketball games are being rained out. How did we get here?

The 15,000 children who play in KIDSPORTS every year, along with many other youth and adult sports organizations, face a shortage of decent gyms and fields.

“The pickings are slim in the Eugene area for available gyms, and those that are available are in very poor condition, small, and not appropriately equipped,” Smith says.

“The most competitive sport in town is coaches trying to schedule gym time.”

We need KIDSPORTS and other recreational leagues more than ever. Typical elementary school students in Eugene receive one hour of physical education per week. Lane County’s obesity rates, for both children and adults, have been on the rise.

“The plans we have for Civic aren’t about something that would be ‘nice to have,’” Smith says. “This is fundamental to our ability to raise healthy kids and have them grow into active adults. I’m not talking about training elite athletes. We’re talking about basic physical skills and habits everyone should learn by the time they are 11 or 12. Today, without enough functional, available space to play, most kids miss out on what is truly the most cost effective and practical form of health care.

“We can’t fail them.”

Here’s the game plan

In 2015, Eugene Civic Alliance raised $4.1 million to purchase the historic 10-acre Civic Stadium site. Since then, we’ve continued to raise money to begin the construction of Phase 1. It is almost complete! Phase 2 will add the 2,500 seat stadium, with an upper concourse, a scoreboard, and additional restrooms. Once fundraising and construction are complete, our new sports and recreation complex will represent the architectural renderings shown above.

Civic Park carries on the legacy of Civic Stadium by providing a space for the public to enjoy sports and community recreation while fostering economic development and improving access to gym and field space.

Civic Play On logo

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What’s new?

What’s New? The Next Chapter. Civic Park Phase II

Starting on Oct. 1st, 2022, the Eugene Civic Alliance will begin construction on Phase II, a 2,500-seat grandstand at Civic Park. The grandstand will serve to maximize Civic Park’s capacity

Federal bill sets aside $1M for Civic Park

Eugene Civic Alliance is anticipating approval of $1 million in federal funding in 2022 to revamp the retaining wall at Civic Park and kickstart the second phase of fundraising for

Bev Smith Named Civic Park Managing Director

Longtime Kidsports Executive Director Retains Leadership Role With That Organization Bev Smith has assumed the new role of Managing Director of Civic Park. As a longtime Eugene Civic Alliance Board

A Time of Transition

After seven years of leadership with Eugene Civic Alliance, Executive Director Nancy Webber is retiring. Webber has been a key part of ECA from its founding in 2015 to the

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